Monday 1 October 2012

Muskogee, OK

After a decadently long sleep in this morning, we headed off for a tour of the Blue Bell Ice-creamery. These Blue Bell Ice Cream trucks have been following us all over the USA, forcing us to buy a 1/2 gallon every few days - working our way through all the flavours ('Moose Tracks' is my favourite - I am seriously hoping Australia will catch on to peanut butter and chocolate mix just in time for my return). So, when we discovered through TripAdvisor that the factory was nearby in Tulsa, we had to do a tour. It was great. It was cute. It was fun. The kids, Ken and I had a super time, and enjoyed the sample at the end of the tour.

Blue Bell Ice cream factory - a little overcast. The weather is getting cooler now, but not unpleasantly so. The leaves are just beginning to turn colour - quite pretty really.

Victoria got to choose where we ate lunch today, as a reward for completing Year 5 mathematics. Thankfully she chose something we all enjoy - Mexican.

Following lunch we headed to the Oklahoma Aquarium. This also was a lovely outing. The kids really enjoyed the exhibit, especially touching the stingrays.  We all delighted in the antics of the beavers. These animals look just like wombats, except with aquatic abilities and that funny paddle-like tail. The jelly fish were mesmerising, and we spent considerable time just watching them float and bob around their tank.


touching starfish


so much more graceful in the water!

Oliver and stingray

Victoria being brave

Finally we rounded off the day birthday shopping for a little girl about to turn 9 (Ken played distraction whilst I surreptitiously purchased goods and secreted them to the RV), and board games shopping for a bigger boy just for the hell of it! A great day had by all.