Saturday 4 August 2012

The Met

So this morning began with a surprise visitor from Boonah arriving on our doorstep! Michelle had been in contact with Ken in very covert ways over the past month in preparation for her surprise visit to New York. Ken is very good at keeping secrets, and I am just plain gullible so it worked out very nicely for them.

We headed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the morning and spent most of our time in the Egyptian section and the Armoury section.

Afterward we wandered through Central Park to find FAO Schwarz (very expensive, lots of colour and noise, and surprisingly not as much variety as we expected) and The American Girl Store (horrifying really...). We ended up at Barnes and Noble, where Victoria spent her spending money to purchase a Nook (e-reader). She is very proudly sitting on her bed reading it now.

Finished the day shopping on 5th Avenue, and managed to find a superb handbag at Aldo.

our family has expanded to 7 for a week!

Queen Victoria and young Victoria

in Central Park
Funky lunch joint in downtown Manhattan - Tori and Phi enjoyed shrimp cocktails!

Make your own muppet, FAO Schwarz

American Girl Store - very, very unsettling place to be ....

boys not happy to be there....

Miss Michelle and the American Girl gymnast doll