Saturday 11 August 2012

Tenement Museum - lower east side

Today was Michelle's last day with us before her return to reality. It was just so wonderful to see her. Such a thoughtful surprise and she fitted in with our family so well (read - she entertained the kids in a way Ken and I just couldn't be bothered to do). It was so great to spend time with her and we managed a few workouts too in between our shopping, cheesecake eating, Reece's eating, and pizza eating! We certainly raised eyebrows on the subway as people no doubt thought Ken had two wives and four children! Safe travelling home Michelle - love you, thank you for suffering though our museum visits, and see you soon!

So after saying farewell to Michelle at lunch time - and sending her off with a huge suitcase of stuff to take back home for us (she is a godsend, and we hope you didn't have to pay extra baggage allowance!) we headed to the lower east side to visit the Tenement Museum We attended the 'Meet Victoria Confino' tour. She lived in the tenements in the early 1900s (turning 14 in 1916) and her children and grandchildren passed on stories of her time there and her family's arrival in America. It was a very well done interpretation by an actress which we all enjoyed.