Saturday 25 August 2012

American History Museum

So I am not going to write too much .. have had a wine or two with my mother and am not in a state to use correct grammar or spelling ... but it is wonderful to have mum here.
Today we went to the Smithsonian American History Museum!

Oliver immediately said - "hey that is Zelma's clock!" (Zelma is our neighbour, a grandmother to our children, who has a grandfather clock in her home. Oliver would visit her whilst I was in the shower at about 7am - sneaking next door - and knocking on the door to ask to see her clock! We put a stop to that habit quick smart once we discovered what he was doing!)

The first Ether Machine - it allowed a huge leap forward in surgery techniques

Dorothy's Shoes!

Kermit the Frog!

I had a Walkman just like this one! The batteries never lasted very long!

spinning cotton to get rid of the seeds

showing us the fruits of Oliver's labours!

A great display about life in the 1800s in Elm St, Washington  DC - wringing washing!

With my fabulous mother 

The Scarecrow's boots and hat from 'Wizard of Oz"

The dinnerware from Lincoln's time in the White House

First Lady, Betty Ford's, dress - just lovely

Michelle Obama's Inauguration Dress and Jimmy Choo shoes! 

Very stylish, Nancy Reagan's dress, shoes and handbag

President Victoria Barns

President Sophia Barns - both girls have taken to public speaking as part of English studies whilst in DC - yeah!!!