Sunday 15 July 2012

Caves and Cowboys

By Benedict -

I went on the wagon. I got my hat. I ate cowboy food. I forget what else we did today.

By Oliver -

I went on a chuck wagon. We had lots of fun!!! We sang lots of songs. We had a dinner party. My sister had no steak. In the morning we went to caves.


I've got the mooooves like Elvis!

By Sophia -

Last night I went on a chuck wagon ride. The entertainers played lots of songs. They liked our accent, so they asked us to sing an Australian song. We sang Kookaburra Sits on the Old Gum Tree (All Saints choir version). Then we got to the dinner party. We were allowed to have pink lemonade, made from lemons, water and sugar. We also had steak. My sister had vegetarian.

After eating, the singers up front said, "Elvis is still alive!" So they asked all the boys to come up and see who could move like Elvis. They all danced. Oliver shuffled and danced like Elvis, but he didn't know who Elvis was.

Also yesterday I went to two caves. The first cave I went to was Wind Cave. It is called Wind Cave because there was a hole in the cave, and depending on the weather wind would blow out or it would suck in. I also went to Jewel Cave and saw jewels everywhere - it was totally awesome!

Early morning at the caves, before the crowds

inside the cave

Benedict in the cave

In some caves you have to squeeze through tight spaces!

Such interesting rock formations in the cave

By Victoria -

Yesterday we did two exciting things. The first was going to two caves named Jewel Cave and Wind Cave. Wind Cave got its name because it exhales and inhales depending on the weather, season and temperature outside. Jewel Cave got its name by the fascinating jewel formations.

The second thing was going on a chuck wagon. It was an hour's ride, but as they say 'time flies when you're having fun!' The chuck wagon was more a modern version with rubber tyres and a ute pulling it. Afterwards we ate cowboy food - it was delicious!

Hot day outside Jewel Cave. Inside the cave it is a constant 49 F - nice and cool

Strange rock and mineral formations

We attended a ranger led session on how crystals are formed - then we got to make our own.

Dad squeezing through the small 'cave' space! Mum really hoped he could get free because she didn't want to drive the RV!

Howdy pardner!
