Sunday 9 September 2012

Yorktown, VA

The final town in the historic triangle - Yorktown. We spent the day exploring here, attending a guided ranger tour - which was fabulously presented by an enthusiastic ranger, and driving a self guided tour of the battlegrounds. Yorktown is where the decisive battle in the Revolutionary War was fought, the British surrendered to the French/American troops. Needless to say, the introductory video was overtly "bad guys/oppressors English vs. good guys/visionaries Americans (oh, and the French too)". When asked what you had learnt from the introductory video, Victoria wrote as a response in her Junior Ranger book "the British people have evil laughs and cry when they lose!" Unfortunately the Ranger did not take the bait ... too bad!

The ranger teaching us how to prep and fire a cannon

Sophia helping herself to the rangers teaching kit ... oh dear!

Victoria exploring, looking for clues for her worksheet

Only Tori and Oliver completed today's workbook. Benedict had a meltdown at the last minute and didn't want to complete the final activity, and Sophia's brain misfired today ...

We saw deer as we left the park today