Sunday 30 September 2012

Ozark Folk Music 29/9; Fort Smith, Arkansas 30/9

All ready to attend last night's Ozark folk music concert

This group, 'Harmony' had superb voices
Dancing in the aisles

Today we headed off early to visit Fort Smith, on the border of Arkansas and Oklahoma

We got here about lunch time and spent a good three hours wandering around the site and within the visitor centre, helping the kids with their ranger workbooks, and discovering the history of the place along the way. Fort Smith was set up Christmas 1817 to maintain the peace between the Osage Indian people and the Indian nations being forcibly relocated from the East, due to the expansion of white settlement moving westward. This was the wild frontier - where all the outlaws would head to make trouble on Indian lands. Get your spurs on people, we are truly in the Wild West now.

At visitor centre Fort Smith

Early paddy-wagon!

Sophia just keeps wandering off to discover things ... we just wish she'd tell us before she headed off!

A rather casual swearing in! He made them promise to eat a vegetable tonight as part of their oath :)