Saturday 15 September 2012

Tennessee and Alabama

So we are in the deep south now, and often get greeted with "So what ya'll doin' down 'ere in (insert town name)?" Love it!

Being the trailer park folk that we are, we thought we would spend a day out shoppin' with the folks.

We  began by dropping off unused items at the local Goodwill store, and then perusing the abandoned goods of everyone else.

Then it was off to Scottsboro, Alabama to the Unclaimed Baggage Centre - yee haw!

We are now in Huntsville, Alabama right next door to the Huntsville Space and Rocket Centre, which we will visit tomorrow. As we arrived the kids saw the giant rocket and nearly wet themselves in excitement. Too bad space camp goes for a whole week, and the Maths Alive program isn't until after we leave! Why don't we have these great opportunities back home!?!

Drivin' in Tennessee - gloriously hot day!

Nuclear power plant cooling towers - Alabama

Picked up a few little bargains here :)

Oh my word! A rocket! Can we go there mum? Can we go there dad?!!!

Afternoon tea in Huntville RV park