Sunday 23 September 2012

Barataria Reserve, NO

Spent the best part of today at the Barataria Preserve, wandering along the board walks through the swamp looking for 'gators. It was 35 degrees C today and 96 percent humidity - a sweaty, swampy day!

It was Sophia with her excellent eyesight who spotted the alligators! We learnt you can guestimate the age of an alligator by judging the length of its snout and allocating a year for every inch.

with Park Ranger

first alligator sighting

spot the green lizard!

and another alligator!

Sophia and marshland ... the difference between swamp and marsh is that marsh is just grasses growing on/through the water

This alligator was right up against the board walk, just waiting to eat a Benedict sized snack

Its hot! Can we stop and rest?!