Tuesday 4 September 2012

Short update

Busy couple of days.

Independence Hall and the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia yesterday (Labor Day Monday).  Today was driving from Philadelphia to the outskirts of New York, picking up the new RV, picking up our RV stuff from a self-storage space, dropping off the rental car we've had for the last couple of weeks, then driving the RV back out to Lancaster County in Pennsylvania to spend the night ... and one final meal at the Shady Maple.

All quite stressful in commuter traffic with Julie in the RV trying to follow me in the car.  We ended up taking 4 separate incorrect freeway exits in the space of an hour.  Now we are part-way unpacked into the new Road Bear RV.  Kids have crashed in the last 30min, and Tori has just switched of her Nook, so I am heading to bed in hopes of getting more than 5 hours sleep for the first time in a few nights.

Julie or I will post photos and details about yesterday in the next couple of days (nothing worth detailing about today, other than the all-you-can eat fresh seafood!)