Friday 21 September 2012

New Orleans

New Orleans is a very quiet city of 1/2 million people, and low rise with regard to its buildings. There is still some evidence of buildings devastated by Katrina in 2005, but we wandered through some lovely sections too. I did wonder what the kids made of some of the window 'displays' along Bourbon St .. it was a touch seedy, but we have to walk right through the French Quarter to get to where we want to go. Ken and I noted that the French Quarter smelled like Istanbul ... food smells, cigarette, stale alcohol - not in a bad way - just as an olfactory background!

We began our day at a visitor centre just a few hundred meters from our RV park, got our bearings and headed off for a leisurely wander around. We found ourselves at the Jean Lafitte National Parks visitor centre, and will head back there tomorrow to join a walking tour along the river.

We then headed for the Audubon Insectarium where we spent a lovely morning enjoying all it had to offer. We all loved the butterfly room and the koi pond. The displays were informative and interesting.

Crepes for lunch, followed by a walk to St Louis Cathedral, then we finished the day wandering through Louis Armstrong Park.

Another swim upon our return was much needed!

Termites are a problem in NO

Sophia and baby alligator

With teaching staff at the Insectorium - learning about millipedes 

Learning about scales on the wings - up close they look like a cross between scales and feathers!

Learning about metamorphosis as opposed to partial metamorphosis

At the Koi Pond

At the edge of Jackson square - we were surrounded by street artists, musicians and magicians

Plaque on the outside wall of St Louis Cathedral, NO

The ceiling in the cathedral

The altar

Pipes of the pipe organ

inscription on a lamp post

Louis Armstrong Park

Joining the band

Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong