Tuesday 21 August 2012

The White House


Today we visited the White House. We did not get to see inside as you need to be an American citizen but we got a glimpse of the snipers on the roof and a good look at the yard. (Julie - had we known, we would have contacted our Embassy and tried to arrange for a visitor's pass to the White House, 6 months in advance. As for the yard, Michelle Obama wanted a vege garden, and overnight she got one - nice!).

We went on a ranger program tour around the outside of the house and Ranger Michael, being a ranger at President's Park, told us he has met the President and been inside the White House.

I would never be able to live inside the White House as you get no privacy because there are tours around the house all the time. Barack Obama's children have to be taken to school every day by the Secret Service Agents and are only allowed to have certain friends.

We had a great day at the White House and are continuing to explore the USA.


Sophia the First Lady -
My favourite room is the Red Room because it is a lovely little room with beautiful furniture.
There are lots of Secret Service Agents watching us.
There are 16 toilets in the White House.
Every night we have a great meal. I love the desserts!

(We viewed a 1/2 hour dvd - a virtual tour of the White House - and Sophia was taken with the beautiful creations the White House chefs make for dignitaries for dessert. Her favourite were the very realistic icing flowers decorating the plates.)

snipers on the roof - an early indication that the President's helicopter was due to return soon. 

The South entrance

With Ranger Michael

A very bright day. Kids wearing their Ranger jackets. 

The North Entrance

Getting their ranger badges with a very chirpy Ranger! He was lovely!

Afterwards we headed across to the Smithsonian American Natural History Museum for an hour or so to round off the day.

No comment needed :)

Ken evolved from that Prairie Dog :)  You can see the likeness, right?!

Sophia as an early homo habilis - it was a cool program where  you lined your face up with markings on the screen and 'hey presto' you're looking like you could wield a stone axe!