Saturday 18 August 2012

National Mall

Today was spent walking through several of the monuments in National Mall

We visited Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, FDR Memorial, Thomas Jefferson Memorial, MLK Jr Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, and Constitution Gardens. Whilst at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial we were told by a ranger that we had missed an RSL Battle of Long Tan Commemorative Ceremony - apparently there is an RSL sub-branch in Washington DC. I took a service pamphlet for Mum to give to her brother in law Graeme in case he is interested.

Anyway, after 6 hours wandering the parks and memorials we all decided it was time to go home and eat. The children completed a very comprehensive workbook covering all the memorials we visited and received their ranger badges. One ranger was so impressed with the kids and their behaviour during a ranger led session, that she went out of her way to go and get them a National Parks flag for each of them.

For me there was no one particular highlight of the day - though having the children praised always makes my heart sing - but, there were many moments of beauty for me throughout the park. Sunlight through trees, water features, the glorious weather, watching people run through the park, delighting in squirrels scampering past me, and poignant sculptures and other art works that captured the depth of human emotion were all food for my soul.

Washington Monument, and  Ben trying to look cool

Lincoln Memorial

View to Washington Monument from Lincoln Memorial


Working on ranger booklets

again... Lincoln

View to Robert E Lee memorial (Leader of the Confederates) from Lincoln Memorial

At the MLK Jr Memorial


Receiving ranger badges