Friday 3 August 2012

Museum of Natural History, NY

"This is where the movie 'Night at the Museum' is!"

That was the excited cry of the kids as we walked up the stairs to the museum. We had spent some time in Central Park before heading into the museum - it was very humid. The air-conditioning of the museum was very welcoming.

We have purchased membership to the museum, and already we know it will be money well spent. We spent six hours there today, and have barely scratched the surface of things to see. We saw the 'Creatures of the Light' exhibit - glowing creatures and amazing glowing mushrooms and rocks. It was a superb exhibit. Then we went through the 'Beyond Planet Earth - the future of space exploration' exhibit. This too was fabulous and captured our imaginations. We finished the day at the Rose Centre for Earth and Space - including the Hayden Big Bang Theatre and the Scales of the Universe.

Oliver's quote of the day, "I'm pretty sure that museum is about everything!", really sums it up for us all. We will probably revisit it nearly every day we are in NY if we can. Ken and I can hardly wait to share the concept of clades with the kids!

In Central Park, slowly melting...
Kids and bridge in Central Park

cute little red bird


Teacher Dad


Waiting to go into the Hayden Big Bang Theatre

Sophia on Mars - Phi's world!