Monday 9 July 2012

Photos from days 3 & 4 at Yellowstone

The rapids - we waited for a while as salmon are reportedly supposed to jump out of the water every 10-15 sec as they head upstream. We met an amateur photographer who'd been there for 1 1/2 hours and spotted no flying fish!

My children!

You know what they are thinking, right?!

Steaming, gurgling, sloshing, hissing

Mud Volcano - just in case you cannot read the sign in the photo :)

'The Dragon's Mouth'
It hissed and roared as the gasses pushed through to make their escape - wow!

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Road precariously perched on the edge of the  mountain.  Obviously NOT an RV road.

Heavy traffic - not going to be impressed if the bison hitting our car  has left a dent or a mark ... the rental 'fix up' fee could be better spent elsewhere!